* Nutritional management of:
- Horses/ponies susceptible to laminitis
- Obesity
- Horses/ponies with weight loss
- Older horses/ponies
* "Barley Disease"- starch overload
* Pasture associated laminitis
- High WSC
* Survey taken in the 1990's of cases of laminitis in UK
- 61% at grass
- 30% combined
- 9% stabled
* US Survey: 46% of cases linked with pasture
* Turning out horses/ponies onto:
- Lush pasture (actively photosynthetic)
- Stressed pasture (low environmental conditions for growth)
- Especially spring/summer
* Seems to trigger laminitis
- When they ingest high WSC
* Recurrent in certain individuals
* Trigger= WSC containing pastures
* Spring/summer
* WSC levels= higher variable
* Varies throughout the day
* Grass species= higher variable
- Ryegrass> fescue> timothy> grass
* Plant part is important
- Stems and leaves
* High WSC pastures may influence laminitis in other ways
- May promote insulin resistance
- Insulin peaks similar to high starch diets
- Lower threshold for laminitis to be triggered
* Other threshold lowering factors may be involved
- Obesity
- Genetic predisposition
* Man
- Regional adiposity (visceral) is linked to diabetes and heart disease
* Horses/ponies
- Regional adiposity (crest) is linked with laminitis
* Laminitis also linked to:
- Generalized obesity
- Hyperinsulinemia
- Hyperleptinemia
* No universally accepted definition of obesity in horses/ponies
- Henneke PCS= 8 to 9
- 7= overweight
* BCS doesn't account for regional adiposity
- May signify higher risk of disease
* But:
- Not all horses/ponies that are obese develop laminitis
- Not all obese horses are IR
- Some "acceptable conditioned" animals are IR
- Other possible risk factors may exist
* Consider zero grazing
- Use suitable forage alternative
* Turnout when fructan/WSC likely at lowest
- Late at night to early morning
- Remove from pasture by mid-morning
* Do not graze pastures not well managed
- Maintain young leafy swards not mature stemmy pastures
* Avoid/restrict turnout in spring and autumn
* No turnout on pastures exposed to low temperatures
- e.g. frosts followed by warm, bright sunny days
* Do not graze pastures during/following drought
* Grazing muzzles
- Ensure water intakes
- Behavioral issues
* Strip grazing
* Mowing and removal of cut grass
* Turnout in an arena (provide alternate forage)
* Rotate paddocks
- Other species (cattle/sheep) so the grass stays the appropriate height
* Forage- base the diet on forage
* For horses with history of laminitis:
- Analyse forage- feed forage with less than 10% WSC
- Many hays in UK higher in WSC
- Soak in water for atleast 3 hours to help lower WSC content
- Soaking variable- best to feed lower WSC forage
* Broad spectrum vitamin/mineral supplement
* No evidence to suggest magnesium to lower laminitis
* Supplementary feeding most won't need this
* Avoid feeds that exacerbate IR
- Cereal grains and NSC pasture
* Use oil instead of cereal grains (unless contraindications)
- Introduce oil gradually into the diet
- Add vitamin E at 100-150 iu/100 ml oil
- No more than 100 ml oil/100 kg BW
* If cereal grains are fed
- Need to processed by cooking (e.g. micronisation)
- Increases SI starch digestibility
- Restrict meal sizes to 0.25kg/100 kg BW of cereal based feed
Ensure overall starch intake is less than 1 g starch/kg body weight
* Other considerations
- No sudden dietary changes
- Avoid abruptly starving animals
- Regular exercise wherever possible
- Avoid development of obesity
- Aim= BCS between 4 & 5 (moderate) out of 9
- If overweight- plan a weight management program
* Eat less and Exercise more
* General principals:
- Total removal of high calorie feeds (cereal grains and oils)
- No excessive feeding of treats (carrots, apples, etc)
- Assess workload- be realistic about workload
- Set realistic goals
- Gradual dietary changes- avoid prolonged periods of fasting
- At target weight- develop a weight maintenance program
- Long term commitment is 4 to 6 months
* Removal from pasture- ONLY WAY TO CONTROL INTAKE
* Studies shown no change in BW with restricted access to pasture
- 12 hours restricted access
- High grass consumption during grazing period
- Estimated ponies can eat 40% of daily DMI in 3 hours at pasture
* Advisable to begin at 2% BW/day for 6-8 weeks
* If weight loss by feed restriction alone lower the feed provision
* Lower to 1.5% of current BW per day for 8 weeks
- Divide ration into 3-4 feeds per day
- Use haynets with small holes
* Restrict access to small well managed paddocks
* Ensure free from toxic plants (hungry animals may eat them)
* Stall for significant portions of the day (feeding forage)
* Strip grazing
* Use grazing muzzle
* Muzzles
- Not always easy to use
- Duration of muzzling needs changed as BW changes
- Horse/pony needs some time without muzzle
** NOTE: Short term removal from grazing by stabling or muzzling is healthier for the horse, although many people think that stalling is not good for their health or well-being.
* Weight loss increases when diet decreases and exercise increases
* 10 minutes walking in hand twice daily for first week
* Gradually increased to 1 hour daily
* As exercise increases feed restriction can be lowered
* Not all animals lose weight at the same rate
* BCS not useful for short-term monitoring (less than 3 months)
* Horses should be checked weekly
* Using weighbridge or weight tape
* Reasons:
- Disease (needs investigation)
- Poor nutrition (neglect or ignorance)- inadequate energy provision
- Horses that are mis-managed are likely to eat food when offered
- Diseased horses will not eat when offered food
* Some diseased horses eat and still lose weight
- Poor absorption
- Excessive loss or metabolism of nutrients
* A number of contributing factors may be present
- e.g. marginal diet and poor dentition
* Considerations:
- Teeth
- Anthelmintic program
- Evaluate the diet
* Absence of disease
- Higher intake of digestible nutrients
- Diet depends on extent of weight loss and age (growing)
* Severe cases (less than 3.5 of Henneke BCS Scale)
- Gradual changes essential (re-feeding syndrome)
- Usually occurs 3 to 5 days post change in diet
- Electrolyte imbalances associated with high NSC feeding
* Re-feeding:
- High fat, low NSC
- Lucerne- High protein, low NSC
- Grass hay- soak for atleast 3 hours
- Small (0.5 kg) frequent meals (6 times daily) of forage
- Gradual increase in amount over 10 days
- Then gradually add higher energy dense feed
- Maintain weight mid-point BW current and desired BW
- Then increase feed gradually to reach desired weight
- Oil is good- needs to be added gradually
- Check electrolyte intake
* Some studies shown lower digestibility
- CP, phosphorus and fiber digestibility
* Others shown no difference
* Attributed to:
- Damage to large colon (chronic parasitism)
- Poor dentition
* Thus can assume older, healthy horses can be fed as per normal adult horse guidelines
* Weight loss is most common nutritional problem
* Can be several causes:
- Dental abnormalities
- Renal and hepatic disease
- Cushing's Disease
* Incidence or periodontal disease
- One study: 60% in horses over 15 years of age
- Second study: similar incidence in horses over 20 years of age
* Dietary Management
- Grass is easier to chew than long-stem hay
- Turnout is desirable
- Feed high quality forage (high leaf to stem ratio)
- Chop if required
* Severe cases
- Commercial senior feed
- Mixed with high fiber cube (alfalfa pellets or cubes)
- Soak before feeding (warm water= higher palatability)
- High volume of feed will lower daily DM intake
- Oil can be added (if not in commercial feed)
- Add Vitamin E if oil used (100 IU/100 ml oil)
- Small, frequent feedings
* Often high quality and/or quantity of feed can increase intake and BCS
* Some horses increase intake if fed with companion horses
* Soak feed in warm water
* Add molasses or pureed apple
* Add flavorings i.e. crushed ginger cookies
* Older horses usually lower pecking order in field
- Feed separately to increase intake
* Older horses may have OA
- Feed from raised container to increase intake- OA of forelimbs
- Raised container for hay (no haynet)- OA of neck
* Diet can impact on development of disease
* Good dietary management can prevent disease
* Dietary management can improve health
* Diet is integral to health
Abbreviations used in this section:
ADF = acid detergent fibre
BCS = body condition score
BW = bodyweight
Ca = calcium
CH4= methane
CHO = carbohydrate
CF = crude fibre
CO2= carbon dioxide
CP = crude protein
DE = digestible energy
DM = dry matter
DP = degree of polymerisation
G = grams
GIT = gastrointestinal tract
H2O = water
HT = High temperature
LAB = lactic acid bacteria
LI = large intestine
LW = live weight
IR = insulin resistance
Mg = milligrams
MJ = megajoules
NSC = non-structural carbohydrates
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